I must be turning into a blubbering baby because the littlest things just touch me so much. The overwhelming love and support from friends and family is amazing! I pinned our adoption website to Pinterest yesterday and when I logged on today, so many of my friends had repinned it. I know that seems like such a silly thing, but it means so much to me that they care. They want us to have a baby just as much as we want one and that is such a blessing to me. The amount of people wanting to pass out our cards or post to their Facebook page, or repin on Pinterest. Every little thing helps and I pray that somewhere in the world, our birth mom finds us. Another lesson learned through this is that it's ok to let others help you in your time of need. They like it! This is so new to me, just putting myself out there and not holding anything back. We were so silent during the three years we tried and failed to get pregnant. No one knew of our struggles.....but now, everyone is helping us to find our joy. I want to remember this. I want to remember the people in my life who were there when I needed it the most.
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